

Locks offer two primary features: mutual exclusion and visibility.

  • Mutual exclusion means that only one thread at a time may hold a given lock, and this property can be used to implement protocols for coordinating access to shared data such that only one thread at a time will be using the shard data.
  • Visibility is more subtle and has to do with ensuring that change made to shared data prior to releasing a lock are made visible to another thread that subsequently acquires that lock – without the visibility guarantees provides by synchronization, thread could see stale or inconsistent values for shared variables, which could cause a host of serious problems.


Volatile variables in the Java language can be thought of as “synchronized lite”; they require less coding to use than synchronized blocks and often have less runtime overhead, but they can only be used to do a subset of the things that synchronized can. In cases where reads greatly out number writes, volatile variables can often reduce the performance cost of synchronization compared to locking.

Volatile provides two guarantees:

  • visibility. Volatile variables share the visibility features of synchronized, but none of atomicity features. This mean that threads will automatically see the most up-to-date value for volatile variables.
  • establish a happen-before relationship. (In Java5 or later)

Condition for correct use of volatile

You can use volatile variables instead of locks only under a restricted set of circumstances. Both of the following criteria must be met for volatile variables to provide the desired thread-safety:

  • Writes to the variables do not depend on its current value.
  • The variable does not participate in invariants with other variables.

Implement volatile

Memory Barrier. More details see The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers.

Change in JSR-133

Forbid reordering between volatile variable and normal variable.
